If you notice the first signs of fungal growth, you should not hope that everything will just go away.
The longer the fungus stays on your nails, the harder it is for the body to cope with the disease and the harder it becomes to treat it.

Of course, toenail fungus can be treated with folk remedies, as there are a lot of them. They can be used both as an additional and as the main means of the course of treatment.
I'm going to share several methods of treating nail fungus, all natural, effective and, as they say, tested by our grandmothers, so don't be afraid to use them.
Methods of treating folk remedies for nail fungus
- It is good to steam the affected area in a soda solution, and then apply a compress with celandine oil on it and leave for twenty minutes. Soda solution - three liters of water, a tablespoon of soda. If performed twice on the day of this procedure, the fungus will disappear within a month.
- Second method. Place the affected areas in a very richly brewed coffee, just being careful not to shake the sediment at the bottom. This solution is used to relieve or relieve pain in the feet.
- The third method against the fungus. As a solution, you can use highly infused wine vinegar, which is used to treat nails at night. After this procedure, you need to wrap your fingers in a clean cloth or wear gloves soaked in vinegar.
- Kombucha is an effective remedy for thickening of the nail plate. It is necessary to cut off a small piece of such a fungus and tie it to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe nail all night. It is advisable to bandage the finger at the same time. In the morning after such a compress, the nail becomes more supple and soft. Healthier nails come from repeating this process over and over again.
- Effectively helps against fungal diseases, crushed with mint salt, which must be applied between the toes. With frequent repetition of the procedure, the fungus will soon disappear.
- It is possible to use salicylic ointment for the fungus in the form of blisters in the treatment, after application, the sore should be wrapped in polyethylene and not removed all day. Repeat the process at night. After a period of three days, the skin begins to peel off, while there should be no pain. With the systematic use of such a recipe, the fungus will disappear for a week.
- Another folk remedy for treating nail fungus is a milkweed solution. This solution can be prepared as follows: keep the solution in a water bath for about 30 minutes, pour 1-2 tablespoons of milkweed with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, put this solution in a basin of water, where you need to steam the mushroom. With daily steaming for 10 days, the disease passes.
A few more folk remedies for treating nail fungus
- It can be very useful for purifying the blood and boosting immunity in fungal diseases. An infusion with two tablespoons of blackberry leaves and one tablespoon of calendula is very suitable for this. The prepared mixture is heated on a steam bath for twenty minutes, a tablespoon of this mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water. The resulting infusion after cooling should be drunk for half a glass three times a day.
- You can use tea tree oil for nail fungus. With twice-daily lubrication, you have the opportunity to get rid of the fungus in three months.
- The chicken egg remedy works just as well. It is necessary to pour the egg with vinegar, and then put it in a dark place. After dissolving the shell, it is necessary to remove the residual film. Then, when the mass becomes homogeneous, add butter. The ointment prepared in this way must be applied to the affected nails, previously well steamed. Wrap top with plastic wrap and secure with bandage. If the nail rises up and becomes soft, cut off the affected area immediately. Until the fungus disappears, the procedure should be repeated.
- As a result of the research, it was found that the fungus does not tolerate acidic habitats, therefore, to successfully fight it, it is recommended to wipe the nails with vinegar.
- Mushrooms also do not tolerate tangerine juice. It is recommended to wipe the affected areas with tangerine juice.
- If the legs and feet are affected by a fungus, then baths in summer warm water should be used, into which a tablespoon of table salt and soda are added, and then the feet should be washed under running water.
Cruel treatment for nail fungus
- With this method, the affected areas of the skin must be cleaned for five minutes with a stiff brush that has previously been lathered well with laundry soap. This method is quite painful, but with its use, the skin is remarkably cleansed of pathogenic parasites. You need to do this process at least 5 - 7 times.
- And finally, you can make a remedy from vodka and wild or common apricot resin. This mixture should be infused in a dark place for three days. It is recommended to shake the drug before applying it to the nail and nail plates. It's worth noting that you can use unrefined sunflower oil as a substitute for apricot gum.
Before using folk methods of treating toenail fungus, be sure to consult a specialist, and preferably not even one. We really only have one medicine, but unfortunately it can't always help us. Well, what else is left to do? Of course, contact our elders. They always know what to treat and how, they will always tell you the right herbs and decoctions.